Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The keyboard driver carries out the following translations:
♦  Scan codes to virtual-key codes (keyboard-interrupt handler)
♦  Virtual-key codes to ANSI characters (ToAscii)
♦  ANSI characters to OEM characters  (AnsiToOem and AnsiToOemBuff)
♦  OEM characters to ANSI characters (OemToAnsi and OemToAnsiBuff)
♦  OEM or ANSI characters to virtual-key codes (OemKeyScan, VkKeyScan, and
♦  Virtual-key codes to scan codes (MapVirtualKey)
The keyboard-interrupt handler converts scan codes to virtual-key codes
before sending keystrokes to Windows. Windows calls the ToAscii function to
convert virtual-key codes to ANSI characters when generating WM_CHAR
messages. Windows applications call the AnsiToOem and OemToAnsi functions to
convert ANSI characters to OEM-specific characters, and OEM-specific
characters to ANSI characters. Windows and Windows applications call
OemKeyScan and VkKeyScan to generate scan and virtual-key codes for given
OEM or ANSI characters.