Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Dialog Functions
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The network driver can provide a variety of dialog boxes to allow a user to
modify the networks configuration and operation.
Function              Description
WNetBrowseDialog      Displays a dialog box allowing the user to browse a
                      list of network drives and devices and choose one to
                      connect to.
WNetConnectDialog     Displays a connection dialog box allowing the user to
                      specify how to connect a network drive or device.
WNetConnectionDialog  Displays a dialog box allowing the user to specify
                      whether to connect or disconnect a network driver or
WNetDeviceMode        Displays a dialog box allowing the user to examine and
                      modify network settings.
WNetDisconnectDialog  Displays a disconnection dialog box allowing the user
                      to specify whether a network drive or device should be
WNetGetPropertyText   Adds one or more buttons to the standard property
WNetPropertyDialog    Carries out actions specified by driver-specific
                      buttons in the property dialog.
WNetViewQueueDialog   Displays a queue-viewing dialog box allowing the user
                      to view the print jobs in a given queue.
The network driver displays dialog boxes to ask for or present information.
In particular, Control Panel allows the user to call a network-specific
dialog box, which can provide access to any additional features the network
supports. For example, the dialog box could allow the user to log on under a
new name or send messages to another user, if the network supports these
It is also the place where the driver version, copyright, and any other
information can be displayed. In general, network dialog box will offer the
user any options, some mechanism should be included to enable the user to
access online Help.