Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Networks in Standard-Mode Windows
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Standard-mode Windows does not provide the same multitasking environment as
386 enhanced-mode Windows, so the potential impact on existing network
software is not as great. Nevertheless, network software may need
modification or additional software to accommodate the following:
♦  Asynchronous network requests
♦  Application Programming Interface (API) mapping
♦  Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) memory
The following sections discuss these topics.
Asynchronous Network Requests
Asynchronous network requests can corrupt data or code if the user switches
away from the non-Windows application that initiated the request before the
network has completed to it. Standard-mode Windows automatically prevents
the user from switching away from an application that uses asynchronous
NetBIOS calls.
This may require changes to both the MS-DOS Extender and the non-Windows
application support module (that is, WINOLDAP.) Both the MS-DOS Extender and
WINOLDAP include support specifically for NetBIOS. Unfortunately, these
modules are not easily adapted to support other network API.
Standard-mode Windows prevents switches from occurring during critical
sections. By default, MS-DOS functions, including network functions, are
considered critical sections.
API Mapping
Windows applications in standard-mode use protected-mode addresses. Network
drivers that rely on real-mode network software to carry out network
requests must translate protected-mode addresses in the requests to
real-mode addresses before passing the request on to the network software.
Windows translates the following APIs:
♦  Standard MS-DOS functions, including network-related functions
♦  Standard BIOS functions
♦  Standard NetBIOS functions
If the network driver uses other real-mode functions to carry out a network
request, the driver or related software must translate the protected-mode
addresses to real-mode addresses.
Since many networks use additional functions, code to support the address
translation is required.
Expanded Memory
Some network software uses expanded memory to store portions of its own code
and data. This helps minimize conventional memory usage, but may be
incompatible with standard-mode use of memory.
On machines with expanded memory specification (EMS) hardware, standard-mode
Windows does not alter the EMS hardware. This means the EMS memory continues
to function and is available for use by Windows applications and non-Windows
applications. Furthermore, starting or terminating standard-mode Windows
does not disrupt the state of the EMS memory, so memory-resident
applications, such as network software, can continue uninterrupted use of
EMS memory.
On 80386 machines however, protected-mode EMS emulators are typically used
to provide EMS memory. Since EMS emulators are often protected-mode
software, standard-mode Windows cannot run unless it can turn the emulator
off. Standard-mode Windows can turn off certain expanded memory emulators
(including all the versions of Microsoft EMM386 and Compaq CEMM) provided
they have no open handles. In such cases, there will be no EMS memory
available while standard-mode Windows is running. Windows turns on the EMS
emulator when Windows exits.
Exported Functions
File Manager, Control Panel, and Print Manager use network driver functions.
To fully support these Windows applications, the network driver should
provide as many network functions as are applicable to the network.
The network driver must export all the functions defined in this topic,
including the Enable and Disable functions. If there is no appropriate
action for a function to take, then the function should just return the
WN_NOT_SUPPORTED value. However, the Enable and Disable functions are
exceptions and return nothing.
The driver must export a WEP function. This should be exported by name only,
not by ordinal value. Windows calls this function when Windows is about to
remove the driver when closing down.
Reserved Ordinals
If the driver exports functions that are not on this list, then those
functions should have export ordinals greater than 500. The numbers below
500 are reserved for functions with prescribed ordinal values. For example,
the WNetDeviceMode dialog box callback function should have an ordinal value
above 500 so as not to conflict with any required ordinals defined in future
String Handling
All strings passed to the network driver may be assumed to be ANSI strings.
Similarly, all strings returned by the network driver should be ANSI
Passing Buffers
Functions, such as WNetGetConnection, WNetGetErrorText, and WNetGetUser,
copy data to a buffer supplied by Windows. Since Windows can not know the
size of the data before making the call, these functions return the
WN_MORE_DATA value if the complete data does not fit in the buffer.
To make a call, Windows allocates a buffer and passes its address to the
function. Windows also passes the address of a 16-bit variable containing
the buffer size. The function then copies as much of the requested data
structure as it can into the buffer. If it all fits, the function returns
successfully. However, if it does not, the data may be left incomplete, and
the function returns the WN_MORE_DATA value. In both cases, the function
sets the 16-bit variable to the number of bytes actually required by the
data structure. This way, if the buffer passed in was too small and the
function failed, the caller may allocate a new buffer of the required size
and call the function again.
Data Structures
All the data structures are a fixed size. They are allocated to a contiguous
array starting at the beginning of the buffer. When they need to refer to
variable-length strings, the data structures will contain pointers in the
form of WORD offsets into the buffer. All strings should be null-terminated.
The driver should allocate space in the buffer to store these strings,
starting at the end of the buffer and growing downward. When there is
insufficient room in the middle for one more structure and its attendant
strings, the driver stops adding data and returns the WN_MORE_DATA value.