ener.hlp (Topic list)
Menu Design Window (Alt+W,M)
■ The Menu Design window allows you to create custom menus
  for your application and define their properties.
■ To open the Menu Design window:
    • Select a form
    • Choose Menu Design Window from the Window menu
■ The Menu Design window contains the following items:
    • Caption text box     • Separator check box
    • CtlName text box     • Visible check box
    • Tag text box         • Shortcut Key drop-down list box
    • Index text box       • Outlining keys
    • Checked check box    • Submenu list box
    • Enabled check box
■ Use the Caption text box to enter the menu or command name
  that appears on your menu bar or in your menu.
    • To create a separator bar on your menu, type a single
      hyphen (-) here.
    • To give the user keyboard access to the menu item,
      insert an ampersand (&) before a letter. At run time,
      this letter is underlined, and the user can access
      the menu or command by pressing Alt+ the letter.
  Caption: │                      │
■ Use the CtlName text box to enter a control name for the
  menu item. A control name is an identifier used to access
  the menu item in code; it does not appear on a menu.
  CtlName: │                      │
■ Text box in which you may enter a Tag property value. The
  Tag property is used to assign a unique identification
  string to an object without affecting any of its other
  property settings.
  Tag:│               │
■ Use the Index text box to assign a numeric value that will
  determine the control's position within a control array.
  This position is not related to the screen position.
  Index: │       │
■ Use the Checked check box if you want a check mark to
  appear initially at the left of a menu item. This is
  generally used to indicate whether a toggle option is
  turned on or off.
  [ ] Checked
■ Use the Enabled check box if you want the menu item to
  respond to events or to be unavailable and appear dimmed
  on the menu.
  [X] Enabled
■ Use the Visible check box to indicate whether you want the
  menu item to appear on the menu.
  [X] Visible
■ Use the Separator check box to indicate if the menu item
  is a separator bar.
  [X] Separator
■ Use the Shortcut Key drop-down list box to select a
  shortcut key.
  Shortcut Key: [(none)          ] ↓
■ Use the set of outlining keys to manipulate the selected
  menu item:
  ┌───┐┌───┐ • Use these keys to change the level of a
  │  ││  │   menu from a higher level to a lower level.
  └───┘└───┘   You can create up to six levels of menus.
               Press Alt+R () or Alt+L () if you don't
               have a mouse.
  ┌───┐┌───┐ • Use these keys to change the position of
  │ ▲ ││ ▼ │   a menu item within the same menu level
  └───┘└───┘   (up or down in the menu list). Press Alt +
               the up or down arrow key if you don't have
               a mouse.
■ Use a list box to display a hierarchical list of menu
  items. Submenu items are indented to indicate their
  hierarchical position.
  │ Root Canal           Ctrl+A │
■ The Menu Design window also has the following command
  ║  Next  ║  Moves selection to next line
  │ Insert │  Inserts line in list box before currently
  └────────┘  selected line
  │ Delete │  Deletes currently selected line
  │  Done  │  Closes Menu Design window and applies all
  └────────┘  menu changes to last form selected; menu is
              available at design time, but no events are
  │ Cancel │  Closes Menu Design window and cancels all
  └────────┘  changes
  │ Help   │  Opens Help window with information on how
  └────────┘  to use the Menu Design window