ener.hlp (Topic list)
Save Form As (Alt+F,A)
■ Prompts you for a file name and saves the current form to
  disk. With Save Form As, you can save to a different file
  name and preserve the original version. The Save Form As
  dialog allows you to save the form in either binary or text
■ To name and save the current form:
    1. Type a file name in the File Name text box.
       File Name: │ FORM1.FRM              │
    2. Select the file format:
       │                        │ • Use the Binary option
       │ (•) Binary - Fast load │   for files that require
       │      and save          │   fast load and save
       │                        │   functionality.
       │ ( ) Text - Readable by │ • Use the Text option for
       │      other programs    │   files that you want to
       │                        │   transfer to other
       └────────────────────────┘   programs.
    3. Press Enter or choose OK to save the form,
       ║   OK   ║
       or choose one of the following:
       │ Cancel │  To cancel the operation
       │  Help  │  To get help
       Note: If a disk file has the same name as the file
             being saved, Visual Basic prompts you to
             confirm before overwriting the file.
■ The Directories list box provides access to other drives
  and directories:
  │ ..           ↑ • Include a drive/path designation with
  │ [-A-]        ░   the file name
  │ [-C-]        ░
  │              ↓ • Choose the appropriate drive/directory