ener.hlp (Topic list)
Subscript out of range (ERR: 9)
■ An array element was referenced with a subscript that is
  outside the dimensions of the array, or an element of an
  undimensioned dynamic array has been accessed.
■ You may also get this error if:
  • The array size exceeds 64K.
  • The array is not dynamic.
  • The /AH option was not used.
■ Possible solutions:
  • Reduce the size of the array, make the array dynamic, and
    use the /AH command-line option.
  • When you use the huge /AH switch, you can declare dynamic
    fixed-length strings and numeric arrays to be greater than
    64K. However, if you are declaring a fixed-length array or
    an array of user-defined types and the size of its
    elements isn't a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16), a "gap" appears
    in the segment blocks. At the second occurrence of a gap,
    the expected error occurs. You can compensate by padding
    that type to become a size that is a power of 2. For
              TYPE MYTYPE
                   DIM A AS STRING * 10
                   DIM DUMMY AS STRING *6
              END TYPE
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  and press F1 to open the Help window.