ex.hlp (Topic list)
Adding and Deleting Controls (at run time) Example
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' This example illustrates use of the Index property and how controls can be
' added or deleted at run time. This example starts with two option buttons
' and adds new option buttons to the form each time the "Add" command button
' is clicked. Clicking the "Delete" command button deletes  the last added
' control from the array. You can also click an option button to display the
' index value of the selected option button and change the background color
' in the picture box.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Choose New Form from the File menu to create a form with:
'   • Two option buttons
'   • Two command button
'   • Large picture box
' 3. Set object properties:
'    • For Command1, Caption = "Add"
'    • For Command2, Caption = "Delete"
'    • For Option1, CtlName = "OptGroup"
'    • For Option2, CtlName = "OptGroup" (this will create a control array)
' 4. Press Alt+F4 to return to the programming environment
' 5. Copy the code example below to the form module
' 6. Press F5 to run the example
 DIM Shared MaxIdx%
 SUB Command1_Click ()
  IF MaxIdx% > 4 THEN EXIT SUB             ' Put only 5 buttons on form
  IF MaxIdx% = 0 THEN MaxIdx% = 1          ' Preset MaxIdx%
     MaxIdx% = MaxIdx% + 1                 ' Increment index
     LOAD OptGroup(MaxIdx%)                ' Create new item in array
     ' Set location of new option button under previous button.
     OptGroup(MaxIdx%).Top = OptGroup(MaxIdx% - 1).Top + 1
     OptGroup(MaxIdx%).Visible = -1        ' Make new button visible
 SUB Command2_Click ()
     IF MaxIdx% = 1 THEN EXIT SUB
     UNLOAD OptGroup(MaxIdx%)
     MaxIdx% = (MaxIdx% - 1)
 SUB OptGroup_Click (Index AS INTEGER)
    Picture1.CLS                           ' Clear picture
    Picture1.BackColor = OptGroup(Index).Index + 1
    Picture1.PRINT ("Button Index is #:" + STR$(OptGroup(Index).Index))