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COMMAND$ Function Example
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' This example uses the COMMAND$ function to break the command line into
' separate arguments. Each argument is separated from adjoining arguments
' by one or more blanks or tabs on the command line.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Copy the code example below to the code window
' 3. Press F5 to run the example
 DEFINT A-Z           ' Default variable type is integer in this module
' Declare the Comline SUB procedure, as well as the number and type of
' its parameters.
 DECLARE SUB Comline (N, A$(), Max)
 CLS                           ' Clear the screen
 DIM A$(1 TO 15)
 CALL Comline(N, A$(), 10)     ' Get what was typed on the command line
 PRINT "Number of arguments = "; N ' Print out each part of the command line
 PRINT "Arguments are: "
' The following is a sample command line and output for a stand-alone
' executable file (assumes program name is ARG.EXE):
' arg one  two   three    four     five      six
' Use SUB procedure to get command line and split into arguments.
' Parameters:  NumArgs : Number of command-line arguments found
'              Args$() : Array in which to return arguments
'              MaxArgs : Maximum number of arguments array can return
 STATIC SUB Comline (NumArgs, Args$(), MaxArgs)
     NumArgs = 0: In = FALSE
     ' Get the command line using the COMMAND$ function
     Cl$ = COMMAND$
     L = LEN(Cl$)
     ' Go through the command line a character at a time
     FOR I = 1 TO L
          C$ = MID$(Cl$, I, 1)
          ' Test for character being a blank or a tab
          IF (C$ <> " " AND C$ <> CHR$(9)) THEN
          ' Neither blank nor tab; test if you're already inside
          ' an argument
               IF NOT In THEN
               ' You've found the start of a new argument
                    ' Test for too many arguments
                      IF NumArgs = MaxArgs THEN EXIT FOR
                      NumArgs = NumArgs + 1
                      In = TRUE
               END IF
               ' Add the character to the current argument
               Args$(NumArgs) = Args$(NumArgs) + C$
          ' Found a blank or a tab.
               ' Set "Not in an argument" flag to FALSE
               In = FALSE
          END IF
     NEXT I