ex.hlp (Topic list)
DIM Statement, MSGBOX Function, and MSGBOX Statement Example
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' This example shows how the MSGBOX statement can be used to display messages
' or other information to the user. In addition to displaying information,
' the MSGBOX function returns a value indicating the button selected by the
' user. The DIM statement is used to share the value of a variable between
' procedures and the form module.
' When you run the example, select Command1 to see how the MSGBOX statement
' works and then select Command2 to see how the MSGBOX function works.
' Finally, click the form to display the value returned by the MSGBOX
' function.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Choose New Form from the File menu to create a form with two command
'    buttons
' 3. Press Alt+F4 to return to the programming environment
' 4. Copy the code example below to the form module
' 5. Press F5 to run the example
 SUB Command1_Click ()
     MSGBOX "MSGBOX Statement, no value is returned", 1, _
     "MSGBOX Statement Example"
 SUB Command2_Click ()
     Value# = MSGBOX("MSGBOX Function value is returned", 1, _
     "MSGBOX Function Example")
 SUB Form_Click ()
     PRINT "Value returned from MSGBOX function was" + STR$(Value#)
     SELECT CASE Value#
     CASE 1
          PRINT "OK button was selected"
     CASE 2
          PRINT "Cancel button or ESC key was selected"