ex.hlp (Topic list)
ERL and ERR Function Example
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' This example shows how the ERR and ERL functions canbe used in an error-
' handling routine.
' In this example, line numbers are used for diagnostic purposes, not for
' essential program logic flow. When program logic is stable, remove all
' line numbers except those used to recover from trapped user errors.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Copy the code example below to the code window
' 3. Press F5 to run the example
     CLS            ' Clear the screen
     Recnum% = 0    ' Redundant since default is 0
     ON ERROR GOTO Errhandler
10 : ERROR 4        ' Force an error to check trap
15 : OPEN "errtest.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 80
     PRINT "Enter data <= 80 characters then return."
     PRINT "To Quit, press Enter at prompt."
          Recnum% = Recnum% + 1
25 :      INPUT "Your data"; aline$
30 :      PUT #1, Recnum%, aline$
     LOOP WHILE aline$ <> ""
     IF Recnum% = 1 AND aline$ = "" THEN
          PRINT "    Empty file."
35 :      ERROR 200
     END IF
     PRINT " This is your data file."
     FOR i% = 1 TO Recnum%
45 :      GET #1, i%, outaline$
          PRINT outaline$
     NEXT i%
60 : CLOSE #1
     KILL "errtest.dat"                       ' Deletes file from disk
     Errnum% = ERR
     Errlin% = ERL   ' Note that ERL returns only line NUMBERS Not LABELS!
     PRINT "Error number "; Errnum%; " occurred at line number "; Errlin%
     IF Errnum% = 200 THEN RESUME 60 ' If user quits before any
                                     ' input CLOSE and END
     IF Errnum% = 59 THEN RESUME 25  ' If user exceeds LEN then try again!
' This returns to next executable statement after error.