ex.hlp (Topic list)
REFRESH Method Example
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' The example uses the REFRESH method to refresh a file list box as test
' files are being created.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Choose New Form from the File menu to create a form with a file list box
' 3. Press Alt+F4 to return to the programming environment
' 4. Copy the code example below to the form module
' 5. Press F5 to run the example
 DECLARE SUB RefreshDemo ()
 SUB Form_Click ()
     CALL RefreshDemo
 SUB RefreshDemo ()
     File1.Pattern = "TestFile.*"                ' Set file pattern
     FOR I% = 1 TO 9                             ' Do 9 times
         FileName$ = "TESTFILE." + LTRIM$(STR$(I%))
         OPEN FileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS FREEFILE   ' Create null file
         File1.REFRESH                           ' Refresh file list box
         CLOSE                                   ' Close file
     NEXT I%
     Msg$ = "Choose OK to remove the created test files."
     MSGBOX Msg$                                 ' Display message
     KILL "TESTFILE.*"                           ' Remove test files
     File1.Pattern = "*.*"
     File1.REFRESH                               ' Update file list box