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SADD and SSEG Functions Example
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' This example creates a string and then calculates its offset and segment
' using the SADD and SSEG functions. The information is then passed to a
' Basic SUB procedure which mimics the performance of a non-Basic print
' routine.
' To try this example:
' 1. Choose New Project from the File menu
' 2. Copy the code example below to the code window
' 3. Press F5 to run the example
 DECLARE SUB printit (Segment%, Offset%, Length%)
 Text$ = ".... a few well-chosen words"     ' Create the string
' Calculate the offset, segment and length of the string.
 Offset = SADD(Text$)
 Segment = SSEG(Text$)
 Length = LEN(Text$)
' Pass these arguments to the print routine.
 CALL printit(Segment, Offset, Length)
 SUB printit (Segment, Offset, Length)
     DEF SEG = Segment                      ' Set the segment for peeking
     FOR i = 0 TO Length - 1
          ' Get each character from memory, convert to ASCII, and display
          PRINT CHR$(PEEK(i + Offset));
     NEXT i