ex.hlp (Topic list)
PMAP, VIEW, and WINDOW Statement Example
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' This example uses the VIEW and WINDOW statements to define a graphics
' viewport and window. The PMAP function is used to convert viewport
' coordinates to window coordinates. The program generates a fractal
' that shows a subset of the complex numbers called the "Mandelbrot Set."
 DEFINT A-Z                              ' Default variable type is integer
 DECLARE SUB ScreenTest (EM%, CR%, VL%, VR%, VT%, VB%)
' Set maximum number of iterations per point.
 CONST MAXLOOP = 30, MAXSIZE = 1000000
 CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE       ' Boolean constants
' Set window parameters.
 CONST WLeft = -1000, WRight = 250, WTop = 625, WBottom = -625
' Call ScreenTest to find out if this is an EGA machine, and get
' coordinates of viewport corners.
 ScreenTest EgaMode, ColorRange, VLeft, VRight, VTop, VBottom
' Define viewport and corresponding window.
 VIEW (VLeft, VTop)-(VRight, VBottom), 0, ColorRange
 WINDOW (WLeft, WTop)-(WRight, WBottom)
 LOCATE 24, 10: PRINT "Press any key to quit.";
 XLength = VRight - VLeft
 YLength = VBottom - VTop
 ColorWidth = MAXLOOP \ColorRange
' Loop through each pixel in viewport and calculate whether or not it is
' in the Mandelbrot Set.
 FOR Y = 0 TO YLength             ' Loop through every line in the viewport
     LogicY = PMAP(Y, 3)          ' Get the pixel's logical y coordinate
     PSET (WLeft, LogicY)         ' Plot leftmost pixel in the line
     OldColor = 0                 ' Start with background color
     FOR X = 0 TO XLength         ' Loop through every pixel in the line
          LogicX = PMAP(X, 2)     ' Get the pixel's logical x coordinate
          MandelX& = LogicX
          MandelY& = LogicY
' Do the calculations to see if this point is in the Mandelbrot Set.
          FOR I = 1 TO MAXLOOP
               RealNum& = MandelX& * MandelX&
               ImagNum& = MandelY& * MandelY&
               IF (RealNum& + ImagNum&) >= MAXSIZE THEN EXIT FOR
                    MandelY& = (MandelX& * MandelY&) \250 + LogicY
                    MandelX& = (RealNum& - ImagNum&) \500 + LogicX
          NEXT I
          PColor = I \ColorWidth    ' Assign a color to the point
' If color has changed, draw a line from the last point referenced to the
' new point, using the old color.
          IF PColor <> OldColor THEN
               LINE -(LogicX, LogicY), (ColorRange - OldColor)
               OldColor = PColor
          END IF
          IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN END
     NEXT X
' Draw the last line segment to the right edge of the viewport.
     LINE -(LogicX, LogicY), (ColorRange - OldColor)
 SCREEN 0, 0                         ' Restore the screen to text mode,
 WIDTH 80                            ' 80 columns wide
 BadScreen:                          ' Error handler that is invoked if
     EgaMode = FALSE                 ' there is no EGA graphics card
' This procedure tests to see if the user has EGA hardware with SCREEN 8.
' If this causes an error, the EM flag is set to FALSE, and the screen
' is set with SCREEN 1. The procedure also sets values for the corners
' of the viewport (VL = left, VR = right, VT = top, VB = bottom), scaled
' with the correct aspect ratio so the viewport is a perfect square.
 STATIC SUB ScreenTest (EM, CR, VL, VR, VT, VB)
     EM = TRUE
     ON ERROR GOTO BadScreen
     SCREEN 8, 1
     IF EM THEN                      ' No error, so SCREEN 8 is OK
          VL = 110: VR = 529
          VT = 5: VB = 179
          CR = 15                    ' 16 colors (0 - 15)
     ELSE                            ' Error, so use SCREEN 1
          SCREEN 1, 1
          VL = 55: VR = 264
          VT = 5: VB = 179
          CR = 3                     ' 4 colors (0 - 3)
    END IF