PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Syntax:  int AddAColor( char far *Color, char far *Extension );
  Returns: An index of the entry in the color table, or -1 if this is a
           duplicate entry or if there is no more space in the table.
  See:     GetColor, PutColor, SetColor
     AddAColor allows extensions to add colors to the PWB internal color
     table. For each new entry, a color switch is added through which
     the color can be modified by the user.
     The <Color> string is the color name assigned to the switch. It
     must be entered in lowercase. The <Extension> string is the name of
     the extension module in which the color is defined. PWB needs this
     information in order to correctly update colors. When PWB saves the
     color switch, it uses the [pwb-<Extension>] section of TOOLS.INI.
     New color switches can be modified in TOOLS.INI with the Assign
     function or the Editor Settings command on the Options menu. The
     index returned by AddAColor can be used in extensions to set colors
     with GetColor, PutColor, SetColor, and SetHiLite.
     See: PWB Color Switch Colors in Extensions