PWB Extensions Help (ext.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Handling Windows
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─────PWB Extensions─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Function                  Description
     CloseWnd                Close a window
     DoDrawWindow            Repaint a window
     DrawEditWindowBorder    Repaint a window border
     fChangeFile             Change drive or directory or switch to a file
     FileNameToHandle        Get handle for file based on filename
     fSetWindowWithFile      Open a file in a window
     GenEditSubWindow        Create a subwindow
     GetEditorObject         Get general PWB information
     GetEditSubWindow        Get current subwindow
     GetPfileFromName        Open a file by name
     NewWindow               Create a new window
     pFileToBottom           Move file to end of instance list
     pFileToTop              Move file to start of instance list
     PopUpBox                Display a file in a pop-up window
     PopUpBoxColor           Display a file in a colored pop-up window
     SetEditorObject         Put general PWB information
     SetPWBWindowMenuTitle   Set the name for a PWB Windows menu item
     SetSubWinHeight         Change height of a subwindow
     SetSubWinView           Change file position in a subwindow
     SetWindowColors         Change text and border colors for a window
     SplitWnd                Split a window (obsolete)