fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Special File Names
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─────Special File Names─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     You can use these DOS device names as file-name arguments for the
     listing options or OPEN statements. These special names send
     output to your terminal or printer.
     Name     Device
     AUX      An auxiliary device.
     CON      The console (terminal).
     PRN      The printer.
     NUL      Specifies a null (nonexistent) file. Giving NUL as a
              filename means that no file is created.
     NOTE:  When using device names, do not add a colon. The Microsoft
     FORTRAN Compiler does not recognize the colon. For example, use
     CON or PRN, not CON: or PRN:.
     See Also: Creating Listing Files (/F)