fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Conditional Compilation Option (/4cc)
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─────Conditional Compilation Option (/4cc)──────────────────────────────────
     This option conditionally compiles specific lines of source code.
     Syntax: /4cc<string>
     The /4cc option permits conditional compilation of a source file.
     The <string> is a set of alphabetic characters controlling which
     lines in the source file are to be compiled.
     Any line in the source file with a letter in column 1 found in
     <string> is compiled; lines beginning with other letters are
     treated as comments. All lines not beginning with letters are
     compiled normally.
     NOTE: Program lines with the character C or c in column 1 are
     always treated as comments.
          FL /c /4ccXYZ PRELIM.FOR
     In this example, all lines in the file PRELIM.FOR beginning with
     X, Y, or Z are compiled.
     See Also: /D