fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
The FL Environment Variable
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─────The FL Environment Variable────────────────────────────────────────────
     The FL environment variable is a convenient way to specify
     frequently used options and files. If the FL environment variable
     exists, the options specified in the variable are automatically
     added to the command line.
     Use the SET command to set the FL environment variable. It is
     usually easier to add the SET command to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
     than to enter it manually when you reboot. For example, the
     following SET command sets FL so programs are compiled and linked
     for use with the Microsoft CodeView debugger:
          SET FL = /Zi /Od
     All options in the FL variable are processed before the options
     on the command line, with the exception of /link options. After
     all other options are processed, any /link options in the FL
     variable are processed, followed by the /link options on the
     command line. For example, if the FL environment variable is
     set to
          /Zi /Od /link /I
     the following two commands are equivalent:
          FL         MAINPGM.FOR MODULE1.FOR /link    /NOP
          FL /Zi /Od MAINPGM.FOR MODULE1.FOR /link /I /NOP
     When conflicting options appear on the same command line, the
     last option usually takes precedence. Therefore, since options
     specified in the FL variable are processed first, they will be
     overridden by conflicting options on the command line.