fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Naming the Executable File (/Fe)
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─────Naming the Executable File (/Fe)───────────────────────────────────────
     The /Fe option overrides the default executable file name with a
     new name.
     Syntax: /Feexefile
     By default, the executable file is given the base name of the
     first file on the command line, plus the extension .EXE. The /Fe
     option gives the executable file a different name or creates it in
     a different directory.
     /Fe applies only during linking. If /c suppresses linking, /Fe has
     no effect.
     The <exefile> argument must appear immediately after the option,
     with no intervening spaces. The <exefile> argument can be a file
     specification, a drive name, or a path specification.
     NOTE: When you give a path specification as the <exefile>
     argument, the path specification must end with a backslash
     ( \ ). If you give a file name without an extension, FL appends
     the .EXE extension. If you pick a name with a blank extension (a
     name ending in a period), FL does not add an extension.