forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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     Disconnects a specified unit.
     CLOSE ([UNIT=]unitspec
     [, ERR=errlabel]
     [, IOSTAT=iocheck]
     [, STATUS=status])
     If UNIT= is omitted, unitspec must be the first parameter. The
     parameters can otherwise appear in any order.
     Parameter          Description
     unitspec           An integer expression specifying an external
     errlabel           The label of an executable statement in the
                        same program unit. An I/O error causes transfer
                        of control to the statement at <errlabel>. If
                        <errlabel> is omitted, the effect of an I/O
                        error is determined by the presence or absence
                        of <iocheck>.
     iocheck            An integer variable that returns zero if there
                        is no error, or the error number if an error
     status             File status, either 'KEEP' or 'DELETE'.
     Files opened without a file name are scratch files. For such
     files the default <status> is 'DELETE'. Specifying STATUS='KEEP'
     for scratch files causes a run-time error. The default for
     <status> for all other files is 'KEEP'.
     Any files still open at program termination are automatically
     closed according to their default status.
     Closing unit 0 automatically reconnects unit 0 to the keyboard
     and screen. Closing units 5 and 6 automatically reconnects those
     units to the keyboard or screen, respectively. Closing the
     asterisk (*) unit causes a compile-time error.
     If a parameter of the CLOSE statement is an expression that calls
     a function, that function must not cause an I/O operation or the
     EOF intrinsic function. If these functions are called, the
     results are unpredictable.
     For QuickWin applications, STATUS='KEEP' causes the child window
     associated with the unit to remain open until the user closes the
     window or terminates the application.
     C     Close and discard file:
           CLOSE (7, STATUS = 'DELETE')