forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GOTO (Computed GOTO)
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─────GOTO (Computed GOTO) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Transfers control to the statement at the nth label in the list.
     GOTO (labels) [,] n
     Parameter          Description
     labels             One or more labels of executable statements in
                        the same program unit. Separate multiple labels
                        with commas. The same label may appear more than
     n                  An integer expression. Control transfers to the
                        <n>th label in the list.
     If there are <j> labels in the list and <n> is out of range,
     execution continues to the next statement following the GOTO
     GOTO statements may not transfer control into a DO, IF, ELSEIF,
     or ELSE block from outside the block. The $DO66 metacommand can
     override this restriction for DO loops.
     See Also: $DO66
           next = 1
     C     The following statement transfers control to statement 10:
           GOTO (10, 20) next
        10 CONTINUE
        20 CONTINUE