forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Yielding Control to Windows
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─────Yielding Control to Windows────────────────────────────────────────────
     Applications must occasionally yield control so that Windows can
     update the screen, respond to user input, and allocate processor
     time to other running applications. The YIELDQQ subroutine yields
     control to Windows.
     NOTE: YIELDQQ is not the same call as the Windows API Yield()
     call; QuickWin applications must use YIELDQQ.
     The interface is defined as follows:
     The compiler adds some YIELDQQ calls automatically. YIELDQQ calls
     improve the responsiveness of an application to other
     applications and Windows updates, but these calls increase the
     time required for the application to complete execution.
     See: Compiling QuickWin Applications