forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Abbreviations Used to Describe Intrinsic Functions
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─────Abbreviations Used to Describe Intrinsic Functions─────────────────────
     Abbreviation       Data Type
     char               CHARACTER[*n]
     cmp                COMPLEX, COMPLEX*8, DOUBLE COMPLEX, or COMPLEX*16
     cmp8               COMPLEX*8
     cmp16              DOUBLE COMPLEX or COMPLEX*16
     dbl                DOUBLE PRECISION, REAL*8
     gen                More than one possible argument type
     integer            INTEGER*2, or INTEGER*4
     int1               INTEGER*1
     int2               INTEGER*2
     int4               INTEGER*4
     log                LOGICAL*2, or LOGICAL*4
     log1               LOGICAL*1
     log2               LOGICAL*2
     log4               LOGICAL*4
     real               DOUBLE PRECISION, or REAL*8
     real4              REAL*4