forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Assignment (Computational)
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─────Assignment (Computational)─────────────────────────────────────────────
     Evaluates an expression and assigns the result to the specified
     variable = expression
     Parameter          Description
     variable           A variable, array, array-element, or
     expression         Any expression
     The variable and expression types must be compatible. If the types
     are not identical, the data type of <expression> is converted to
     the data type of <variable>.
     Logical expressions of any byte size can be assigned to logical
     variables of any byte size without changing the value of
     The following program demonstrates assignment statements:
           REAL         a, b, c
           LOGICAL    abigger
           CHARACTER*5  assertion
           c = .01
           a = SQRT (c)
           b = c**2
           assertion = 'a > b'
           abigger   = (a .GT. b)
           WRITE (*, 100) a, b
       100 FORMAT (' a =', F7.4, '    b =', F7.4)
           IF (abigger) THEN
               WRITE (*, *) assertion, ' is true.'
               WRITE (*, *) assertion, ' is false.'
           END IF
     The program above has the following output:
     a =  .1000    b =  .0001
     a > b is true.
     The following fragment demonstrates legal and illegal assignment
           INTEGER  i, int
           REAL  rone(4), rtwo(4), x, y
           COMPLEX  z      CHARACTER  char6*6, char8*8
           i       =  4
           x       =  2.0
           z       = (3.0, 4.0)
           rone(1) =  4.0
           rone(2) =  3.0
           rone(3) =  2.0
           rone(4) =  1.0
           char8   = 'Hello,'
     C     The following assignment statements are legal:
           i     = rone(2)
           int   = rone(i)
           int   = x
           y     = x
           y     = z
           y     = rone(3)
           rtwo  = rone
           rtwo  = 4.7
           char6 = char8
     C     The following assignment statements are illegal:
           char6 = x + 1.0
           int   = char8//'test'
           y     = rone