forlang.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
getcurrentposition Functions
 Summary Example                         Up Contents Index Back
     The getcurrentposition functions return the coordinates of the
     current graphics output position. The getcurrentposition function
     returns the position as an xycoord structure (defined in
     FGRAPH.FD). The getcurrentposition_w function returns the position
     as a <wxycoord> structure (defined in FGRAPH.FD).
     The current position can be changed by the lineto, moveto, and
     outgtext functions.
     The default position, set by setvideomode, setvideomoderows, or
     setviewport, is the center of the viewport.
     These functions affect only graphics output. They do not affect
     text output, which begins at the current text position. (See
     settextposition for more information).
     Return Value