help.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Example  Syntax
Printing the contents of the screen
To print the contents of the screen, press the SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN key
combination. If the computer is in 320 x 148 x 200 color graphics mode and
if the printer type is color1 or graphics, the GRAPHICS command prints the
screen contents with as many as four shades of gray. If the computer is in
640 x 148 x 200 color graphics mode, GRAPHICS prints the screen contents
sideways on the paper (landscape orientation). You cannot use the
SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN key combination to print the contents of a screen to a
PostScript printer.
Effect on memory
The GRAPHICS command decreases the amount of available conventional memory.
Loading a new profile
If you have already loaded a printer profile and you want to load another
one by using the GRAPHICS command, the new profile must be smaller than the
one already loaded.
To load a new profile that is larger than the one currently loaded, you must
restart your system and then use the GRAPHICS command to load the new
If you try to use only the GRAPHICS command to load a new profile that is
larger than the currently loaded profile, MS-DOS displays the following
    Unable to reload with profile supplied