help.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Notes  Examples
Connects two computers via parallel or serial ports and enables the
computers to share disks and printer ports. For example, you could connect a
laptop computer to a desktop computer and share files. You must install the
<INTERLNK.EXE> device driver before you can use this command.
    INTERLNK [client[:]=[server][:]]
To display the current status of the Interlnk program, use the following
    Specifies the letter of the client drive that is redirected to a drive
    on the Interlnk server. The drive must be one that was redirected when
    you started Interlnk.
    Specifies the letter of the drive on the Interlnk server that will be
    redirected. The drive must be one listed in the This Computer (Server)
    column of the Interlnk server screen. If no drive letter is specified,
    the client drive will no longer be redirected.
Related Commands
For more information about the Interlnk device driver, see <INTERLNK.EXE>.
For more information about Intersvr, see the <INTERSVR> command.
For more information about setting the number of available drive letters,
see the <LASTDRIVE> command.