help.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Syntax  Notes
Loading and enabling a single CD-ROM device driver
This example shows the relevant CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT commands for a
computer with one CD-ROM drive.
The CONFIG.SYS file contains the following DEVICE command:
    device=c:\devices\cdromdrv.sys /d:mscd000
This command loads the device driver CDROMDRV.SYS, which came with the
CD-ROM drive. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains the following MSCDEX command:
    c:\dos\mscdex /d:mscd000 /l:g
This command enables the device driver that has the driver signature
MSCD000. The /E switch specifies that the driver be allowed to use expanded
memory, if available. The /L:G switch assigns the drive letter G to the
CD-ROM drive.
Loading and enabling more than one CD-ROM device driver
This example shows the relevant CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT commands for a
computer that has two CD-ROM drives from two different manufacturers.
The CONFIG.SYS file contains the following DEVICE commands:
    device = c:\aspi\aspicd.sys /d:mscd000
    device = c:\cdrom\tslcdr.sys /d:mscd001
Each command loads the device driver that came with that CD-ROM drive. The
AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains the following MSCDEX command:
    c:\dos\mscdex /d:mscd000 /d:mscd001 /l:j
This command enables both device drivers. The first driver has the driver
signature MSCD000; the second has the driver signature MSCD001. The /L:J
switch specifies that the first CD-ROM drive, MSCD000, will be drive J and
the second CD-ROM drive will be drive K.