HELPMAKE Help (helpmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Decode (/D)
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─────Decode (/D)────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Syntax:  /D[c]
     This option decodes the input database file into a help source
     file in QuickHelp format. If an output file is not specified with
     the /O option, the source file is written to standard output.
     See: Specify Output File (/O)
     The output format depends on the value of <c>:
     Option   Action
     /D       Fully decodes the help database, showing explicit links
              and formatting information.
     /DS      Splits a concatenated help database into its components
              with the original names.
              See: Concatenating Help Databases
     /DU      Decodes the database, removing all screen-formatting
              commands and explicit links.