ioctl12.hlp (Topic list)
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USHORT DosDevIOCtl(pbBPB, pbCommand, 0x0043, 0x0008, hDevice)
PBYTE pbBPB;        /* pointer to structure with BIOS parameter blocks */
PBYTE pbCommand;    /* pointer to buffer with command                  */
HFILE hDevice;      /* device handle                                   */
The DSK_SETDEVICEPARAMS function sets the device parameters for an MS OS/2
block device. The device driver maintains two BIOS parameter blocks (BPB)
for each disk drive. One block is the BPB that corresponds to the medium
currently in the disk drive. The other block is a recommended BPB, based on
the type of medium that corresponds to the physical device. For example, a
high-density disk drive has a BPB for a 96 tracks per inch (tpi) floppy
disk; a low-density disk drive has a BPB for a 48-tpi floppy disk.
Parameter  Description
pbBPB      Points to the BIOSPARAMETERBLOCK structure that contains the
           device parameters to be set for the drive.
pbCommand  Point to the variable that contains the command description. This
           variable can be one of the following values:
           Value                   Meaning
           BUILD_BPB_FROM_MEDIUM   Build the BIOS parameter block (BPB) from
                                   the medium for all subsequent build BPB
           REPLACE_BPB_FOR_DEVICE  Change the default BPB for the physical
           REPLACE_BPB_FOR_MEDIUM  Change the BPB for the medium to the
                                   specified BPB. Return the new BPB as the
                                   BPB for the medium for all subsequent
                                   build BPB requests.
hDevice    Identifies the disk drive that receives the device-control
           function. The handle must have been created previously by using
           the DosOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful or an error value if
an error occurs.
See Also