ioctl12.hlp (Topic list)
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USHORT DosDevIOCtl(pbBuffer, ppsShape, 0x0068, 0x0007, hDevice)
PBYTE pbBuffer;        /* pointer to buffer for pointer masks        */
PPTRSHAPE ppsShape;    /* pointer to structure for shape information */
HFILE hDevice;         /* device handle                              */
The MOU_GETPTRSHAPE function retrieves the current pointer shape.
Parameter  Description
pbBuffer   Points to the buffer that receives the pointer shape. The image
           format depends on the mode of the display. For currently
           supported modes, the buffer always consists of the AND image data
           followed by the XOR image data. The buffer always describes one
           display plane.
ppsShape   Points to the PTRSHAPE structure that receives the pointer
           information and shape.
hDevice    Identifies the pointing device that receives the device-control
           function. The handle must have been created previously by using
           the DosOpen function.
Return Value
The function exits in a normal state if the input pointer-image buffer is
large enough to store the pointer image. The current pointer information is
returned in the pointer-data record, and the pointer-image data is copied
into the data-packet buffer.
An "invalid buffer size" error occurs if the input pointer-image buffer is
smaller than the amount of storage necessary for copying the data. The
buffer length returned will be minimum value.
The parameter values are in the same mode as the current screen-group
display mode. For text mode, these are character values; for graphics mode,
these are pel values.
On input, the only field in the pointer-definition record used by the mouse
device driver is the length of the pointer-image buffer.
See Also