ioctl12.hlp (Topic list)
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USHORT DosDevIOCtl(0L, pnprBuffer, 0x0058, 0x0007, hDevice)
PNOPTRRECT pnprBuffer;    /* points to structure with exclusion rectangle */
HFILE hDevice;            /* device handle                                */
The MOU_REMOVEPTR function specifies the exclusion rectangle to be used by
the device driver. The exclusion rectangle specifies an area on the screen
where the pointer-draw routine cannot draw the pointer.
Parameter   Description
pnprBuffer  Points to the NOPTRRECT structure that contains the dimensions
            of the exclusion rectangle.
hDevice     Identifies the pointing device that receives the device-control
            function. The handle must have been created previously by using
            the DosOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful or an error value if
an error occurs.
The pointer is not drawn in the exclusion rectangle until a different area
is specified by another call of this function.
If the exclusion rectangle is defined as the entire screen, pointer-draw
operations are disabled for the entire screen group.
See Also