ioctl12.hlp (Topic list)
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USHORT DosDevIOCtl(0L, pplPosition, 0x0059, 0x0007, hDevice)
PPTRLOC pplPosition;    /* pointer to structure with pointer position */
HFILE hDevice;          /* device handle                              */
The MOU_SETPTRPOS function sets a new screen position for the pointer
Parameter    Description
pplPosition  Points to the PTRLOC structure that contains the new position
             for the pointer.
hDevice      Identifies the pointing device that receives the device-control
             function. The handle must have been created previously by using
             the DosOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful or an error value if
an error occurs.
The coordinate values depend on the display mode. If the display is in text
mode, character-position values are used. If the display is in graphics
mode, pel values are used.
This function has no effect on the current exclusion-rectangle definitions.
If a pointer image is already defined for the screen group, it is replaced
by the new pointer image.
If the pointer image is directed into an existing exclusion rectangle, it
remains hidden (invisible) until sufficient movement places the pointer
outside the exclusion rectangle or until the exclusion rectangle is
See Also