ioctl12.hlp (Topic list)
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USHORT DosDevIOCtl(pbBuffer, pbCommand, 0x0044, 0x0009, hDevice)
PBYTE pbBuffer;     /* pointer to buffer with data       */
PBYTE pbCommand;    /* pointer to structure with command */
HFILE hDevice;      /* device handle                     */
The PDSK_WRITEPHYSTRACK function writes to a physical track on the device
specified in the request.
Parameter  Description
pbBuffer   Points to the buffer that contains the data to be written.
pbCommand  Points to the TRACKLAYOUT structure that contains information
           about the write operation.
hDevice    Identifies the disk drive that receives the device-control
           function. The handle must have been created previously by using
           the DosPhysicalDisk function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful or an error value if
an error occurs.
This function is similar to the DSK_WRITETRACK function (0x0008, 0x0044)
except that I/O is offset from the beginning of the physical drive instead
of from the unit number.
The track-layout table passed in this function determines the sector number,
which is passed to the disk controller. When the sectors are odd-numbered or
nonconsecutive, the request is broken into an appropriate number of
single-sector operations, and one sector at a time is written.
See Also