The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  filebuf* open( const char* szName, int nMode,
                 int nProt = filebuf::openprot );
  Parameter   Description
  <szName>    The name of the file to be opened during construction.
  <nMode>     An integer containing mode bits defined as ios enumerators
              that can be combined with the OR (|) operator. See the
              ofstream constructor for a list of the enumerators.
  <nProt>     The file protection specification; defaults to the static
              integer filebuf::openprot that is equivalent to
              filebuf::sh_compat. The possible <nProt> values are as
              Value                Meaning
              filebuf::sh_compat   Compatibility share mode.
              filebuf::sh_none     Exclusive mode──no sharing.
              filebuf::sh_read     Read sharing allowed.
              filebuf::sh_write    Write sharing allowed.
              The filebuf::sh_read and filebuf::sh_write modes can be
              combined with the logical OR (|) operator.
  Opens a disk file and attaches it with this filebuf object. If the file
  is already open, or if there is an error while opening the file, the
  function returns NULL; otherwise it returns the filebuf address.
  See Also
  filebuf::is_open, filebuf::close, filebuf::~filebuf