The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  int setmode( int nMode = filebuf::text );
  Parameter   Description
  <nMode>     An integer that must be one of the static filebuf constants,
              as follows:
              Value             Meaning
              filebuf::text     Text mode (newline characters translated
                                to and from carriage return-linefeed
              filebuf::binary   Binary mode (no translation).
  This function sets the binary/text mode of the stream's filebuf object.
  It may be called only after the file is opened.
  Return Value
  The previous mode; -1 if the parameter is invalid, the file is not open,
  or the mode cannnot be changed.
  See Also
  ios binary manipulator, ios text manipulator