The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  istrstream( char* psz );
  istrstream( char* pch, int nLength );
  Parameter   Description
  <psz>       A null-terminated character array (string).
  <pch>       A character array that is not necessarily null terminated.
  <nLength>   The size (in characters) of <pch>. If 0, then <pch> is
              assumed to point to a null-terminated array; if less than 0,
              then the array is assumed to have unlimited length.
  The first constructor uses the specified <psz> buffer to make an
  istrstream object with length corresponding to the string length.
  The second constructor makes an istrstream object out of the first
  <nLength> characters of the <pch> buffer.
  Both constructors automatically construct a strstreambuf object that
  manages the specified character buffer.