The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  long setf( long lFlags );
  long setf( long lFlags, long lMask );
  Parameter   Description
  <lFlags>    Format flag bit values. See the flags member function for
              a list of format flags. These flags can be combined by using
              the bitwise-OR (|) operator.
  <lMask>     Format flag bit mask.
  The first overloaded setf function turns on only those format bits that
  are specified by 1s in <lFlags>. It returns a long that contains the
  previous value of all the flags.
  The second function alters those format bits specified by 1s in <lMask>.
  The new values of those format bits are determined by the corresponding
  bits in <lFlags>. It returns a long that contains the previous value of
  all the flags.
  See Also
  ios::flags, ios::unsetf, ios setiosflags manipulator