The Microsoft Input/Output Stream Classes (iostream.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──The Microsoft iostream Classes────────────────────────────────────────────
  strstreambuf( int nBytes );
  strstreambuf( char* pch, int n, char* pstart = 0 );
  strstreambuf( unsigned char* puch, int n, unsigned char* pustart = 0 );
  strstreambuf( signed char* psch, int n, signed char* psstart = 0 );
  strstreambuf( void* (*falloc)(long), void (*ffree)(void*) );
  Parameter                  Description
  <nBytes>                   The initial length of a dynamic stream
  <pch>, <puch>, <psch>      A pointer to a character buffer that will be
                             attached to the object. The get pointer is
                             initialized to this value.
  <n>                        An integer parameter with the following
                             Value      Meaning
                             positive   <n> bytes, starting at <pch>, is
                                        used as a fixed-length stream
                             0          The <pch> parameter points to the
                                        start of a null-terminated string
                                        that constitutes the stream buffer
                                        (terminator excluded).
                             negative   The <pch> parameter points to a
                                        stream buffer that continues
  <pstart>, <pustart>, <psstart>
                             The initial value of the put pointer.
  <falloc>                   A memory-allocation function with the
                             prototype void* falloc( long ). The default
                             is new.
  <ffree>                    A function that frees allocated memory with
                             the prototype void ffree( void* ). The
                             default is delete.
  The four streambuf constructors are described as follows:
  Constructor                         Description
  strstreambuf()                      Constructs an empty strstreambuf
                                      object with dynamic buffering. The
                                      buffer is allocated internally by
                                      the class and grows as needed,
                                      unless it is frozen.
  strstreambuf( int )                 Constructs an empty strstreambuf
                                      object with a dynamic buffer <n>
                                      bytes long to start with. The buffer
                                      is allocated internally by the class
                                      and grows as needed, unless it is
  strstreambuf( char*, int, char* )   Constructs a strstreambuf object
                                      from already-allocated memory as
                                      specified by the arguments. There
                                      are constructor variations for both
                                      unsigned and signed character
  strstreambuf( void*(*), void(*) )   Constructs an empty strstreambuf
                                      object with dynamic buffering. The
                                      <falloc> function is called for
                                      allocation. The long parameter
                                      specifies the buffer length and the
                                      function returns the buffer address.
                                      If the <falloc> pointer is NULL,
                                      then operator new is used. The
                                      <ffree> function frees memory
                                      allocated by <falloc>. If the
                                      <ffree> pointer is NULL, the
                                      operator delete is used.