LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
OLD Statement
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     Syntax:  OLD 'filename'
     Directs LINK to search another DLL for export ordinals. OLD
     preserves ordinal values used from older versions of a DLL. Only
     one DLL can be specified. For DLLs only.
     The <filename> specifies the DLL to be searched. It must be
     enclosed in single or double quotation marks (' or ").
     Exported names in the current DLL that match exported names in the
     old DLL are assigned ordinal values from the earlier DLL unless
     one of the following is true:
        ■ The name in the old DLL has no ordinal value assigned.
        ■ An ordinal value is explicitly assigned in the current DLL.
     Ordinals are assigned in EXPORTS and IMPORTS statements. If an
     export in the DLL was specified with the NONAME attribute, the
     exported name is not available and its ordinal is not preserved.
     See: EXPORTS Statement
          IMPORTS Statement
     OLD is ignored for applications.