LINK Help (linker.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
/CPARM Option
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     Syntax:  /CP[ARMAXALLOC]:number
     The /CPARM option sets the maximum number of 16-byte paragraphs
     needed by the program when it is loaded into memory. MS-DOS uses
     this value to allocate space for the program before loading it.
     /CPARM is valid only for DOS programs.
     By default, the maximum allocation is 65,535. MS-DOS always denies
     this request and allocates the largest contiguous block of memory.
     When /CPARM is used, DOS allocates <number> paragraphs, where
     <number> is an integer in the range 1-65,535. If <number> is less
     than the minimum number of paragraphs needed by the program, LINK
     sets the maximum allocation equal to the minimum allocation.
     See: Entering Numeric Arguments
     To free more memory for a program compiled in the medium or large
     model, link with /CPARM:1. This leaves no space for the near heap.
     To change the maximum allocation after linking the executable
     file, use the EXEHDR utility.
     See: EXEHDR