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     EXEHDR displays descriptions of relocations after the segment and
     exports tables in verbose output. An example of this output is:
            1 type   offset target
              BASE    eff4  seg   1 offset 0000
              BASE    f204  seg   2 offset 0000
              OFFSET  eff1  seg   1 offset e968
              OFFSET  314e  seg   1 offset 32ea
              BASE    c0f1  seg   3 offset 0000
              OFFSET  d397  seg   1 offset cf70
              PTR     cd3e  imp DOSCALLS.137
              OFFSET  b1a8  seg   1 offset ae7c
              PTR     f57c  imp KBDCALLS.13
     Each table ends by stating the total number of relocations.
     Heading      Meaning
     <number>     The segment number, as given earlier in the segments
     type         Relocation type, which gives the kind of address
                  information requested.
     offset       The location of the requested address change in the
                  source segment.
     target       The requested relocation address.