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PROTMODE Statement
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─────PROTMODE Statement─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Syntax:  PROTMODE
     The PROTMODE statement specifies that the application or DLL runs
     only under OS/2 or under Windows 3.0 standard mode and 386
     enhanced mode. PROTMODE lets LINK optimize to reduce both the size
     on disk and the loading time. However, an OS/2 program created
     with PROTMODE cannot be bound using BIND. Use PROTMODE in
     combination with an EXETYPE WINDOWS statement to define an
     application or DLL that runs only under protected-mode Windows.
     See: EXETYPE Statement
     The following statement combination defines an application that
     runs only under protected-mode (standard or 386 enhanced) Windows
     version 3.0:
          EXETYPE WINDOWS 3.0