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IMPLIB Summary
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─────IMPLIB Summary─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     IMPLIB creates import libraries used by LINK to link dynamic-link
     libraries (DLLs) with applications.
     Command-Line Syntax
     IMPLIB [options] implibname {deffile... | dllfile...}
     <options>      See: IMPLIB Options
     <implibname>   Import library to be created
     <deffile>      One or more module-definition (.DEF) files used to
                    create the DLL being linked
     <dllfile>      One or more DLLs being linked
     You can specify any number of either module-definition files or
     DLLs. IMPLIB assumes no default extensions for filenames.
     The command above creates the import library named MYLIB.LIB from
     the dynamic-link library MYLIB.DLL.
     See: Dynamic-Link Libraries
          Import Libraries
          Linking for OS/2 and Windows
          Module-Definition Files