LINK Help (linkx.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
LINK Command Line
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─────LINK Command Line──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     LINK objfiles [,exefile,mapfile,libraries,deffile] [;]
     See: <objfiles> Field
          <exefile> Field
          <mapfile> Field
          <libraries> Field
          <deffile> Field
     Fields on the command line are defined by commas. LINK assumes a
     default for any blank field except <objfiles>.
        ■ To leave a field blank, type just the comma that ends the
          field, along with the comma that ended the previous field.
        ■ To select default responses for all remaining fields, enter a
          semicolon (;) as the last item on the line.
     If you enter a filename without an extension, LINK adds a default
     extension for the type of file expected. If you explicitly enter
     an extension, it overrides the default. To specify a filename
     without an extension, enter a period (.) after the filename.
     If you do not fill all fields and do not end the command line
     with a semicolon, LINK prompts you for the omitted files.
     See: LINK Prompts
     Options can appear anywhere in any field on the command line
     before the semicolon (except as noted).
     See: LINK Options List
          Using LINK Options
     You can specify all responses, or responses for one or more
     consecutive fields, in a response file.
     See: LINK Response File