LINK Help (linkx.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Entering Library Files as Object Files
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─────Entering Library Files as Object Files─────────────────────────────────
     You can enter library files as load libraries in the <objfiles>
     field. The .LIB filename extension must be used; otherwise, LINK
     assumes an .OBJ extension.
     See: <objfiles> Field
          <libraries> Field
     A library named in the <objfiles> field adds every module to the
     main output file; this is called a load library. The effect is the
     same as if all the library's object names were specified in the
     <objfiles> field. A larger main output file can result. A library
     named in the <libraries> field adds only those modules required to
     resolve external references.
     Loading an entire library can be useful
         ■ As a convenient way of repeatedly specifying the same group
           of object files
         ■ To make available any modules that are not needed to resolve
           references but that may be needed at run time
         ■ To cause a library to be placed in an overlay
         ■ When debugging
     LINK searches for load libraries the same way it searches for all
     <objfiles>. It does not search for load libraries in directories
     named in the <libraries> field.