Windows Multimedia DDK (mddkqh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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        DWORD MAKEMCIRESOURCE(wReturn, wResource)
        This macro creates an unsigned long integer by concatenating the
        integer values specified by the wReturn and wResourceD parameters.
        WORD wReturn
            Specifies the low-order word of the new long value.
        WORD wResource
            Specifies the high-order word of the new long value.
Return Value
        Specifies an unsigned long-integer value.
        When you use an MCI data structure to return integer information
        that also has a string equivalent, MCI needs additional information
        to find the string equivalent in the resource table. The high-order
        word of the return field is set to the resource string ID. The
        low-order word of the return field is set to the return value. The
        MAKEMCIRESOURCE macro will combine these values for the
        DWORD return value used in the data structure.