Windows Multimedia DDK (mddkqh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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        The MCI_WAVE_OPEN_PARMS structure contains information for
        MCI_OPEN message for waveform audio devices. When assigning
        data to the fields in this data structure, set the
        corresponding MCI flags in the dwFlags parameter of
        mciSendCommand to validate the fields. You can use the
        MCI_OPEN_PARMS data structure in place of MCI_WAVE_OPEN_PARMS
        if you are not using the extended data fields.
        typedef struct {
            DWORD dwCallback;
            UINT wDeviceID;
            UINT wReserved0;
            LPCSTR lpstrDeviceType;
            LPCSTR lpstrElementName;
            LPCSTR lpstrAlias;
            DWORD dwBufferSeconds;
        DWORD dwCallback
            The low-order word specifies a window handle used for the
            MCI_NOTIFY flag.
        UINT wDeviceID
            Specifies the device ID returned to user.
        UINT wReserved0
        LPCSTR lpstrDeviceType
            Specifies the name or constant ID of the device type
        LPCSTR lpstrElementName
            Specifies the device element name (usually a pathname).
        LPCSTR lpstrAlias
            Specifies an optional device alias.
        DWORD dwBufferSeconds
            Specifies the buffer length in seconds.
See also