Windows Multimedia DDK (mddkqh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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        The MIDIINCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI
        input device.
        typedef struct midiincaps_tag {
            WORD wMid;
            WORD wPid;
            VERSION vDriverVersion;
            char szPname[MAXPNAMELEN];
        } MIDIINCAPS;
        WORD wMid
            Specifies a manufacturer ID for the device driver for the
            MIDI input device. Manufacturer IDs are defined in
            Manufacturer and Product IDs.
        WORD wPid
            Specifies a product ID for the MIDI input device. Product
            IDs are defined in Manufacturer and Product IDs.
        VERSION vDriverVersion
            Specifies the version number of the device driver for the
            MIDI input device. The high-order byte is the major
            version number, and the low-order byte is the minor version
            number. The numbering is up to the developer but should
            change with each driver release.
        char szPname[MAXPNAMELEN]
            Specifies the product name in a NULL-terminated string.
See also