Windows Multimedia DDK (mddkqh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Multimedia Data Types
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Multimedia Data Types
The Multimedia APIs use the following data types:
    Data Type   Description
    FOURCC      A 32-bit value representing a four-character code.
    HPSTR       A huge pointer to a character string.
    HMIDIIN     A handle to a MIDI input device.
    HMIDIOUT    A handle to a MIDI output device.
    HMMIO       A handle to an open file.
    HWAVEIN     A handle to a waveform input device.
    HWAVEOUT    A handle to a waveform output device.
The MMSYSTEM.H and MDDK.H header files also define a series of pointer
types associated with Multimedia extensions data structures. Each
of these pointer types is named with an LP prefix followed by the
name of the corresponding data structure. For example, the MMTIME
data structure has an associated LPMMTIME pointer type.